Letter from Benevolent Trickster and Agent of Epiphany – Winter 23′

how do we collectively build the stellar event of our own thrivable world and push it through the eye of a needle? Look to the edges where experiments might already be working. Celebrate these attempts of a grassroots thrivable future, and add to them. Assume mass customization rather than upscaling and universalizing. Harmonize this tension: the gloriously specific and local with what can be borrowed, shared, or hacked to fit elsewhere. No one knows it all. And No one has nothing to contribute.

FROM THE ARCHIVE: Power of Edges by David P. Reed

Collective Intelligence: Swarms, Molds, and Forest Webs

Absurd Scenario Planning

Slow Poem of Selected Dreams

Interview with Thrivable Society Fellow, Deanna Zandt

Interview with a Thrivable Society Fellow: Katie Teague