Interview with Thrivable Society Fellow, Darlene Charneco

Thrivable Society Journal
Spring 2023

Darlene Charneco

Who are you or how would you describe your life’s work/play?

I’m a mixed-media artist who is following and trying to express a dreamvision of collective sensing, learning and microphilanthropy. Right now I’m also enjoying self-identifying as a ‘LatinX Planetarian’ as I feel it helps describe a certain connecting shape in a larger 4D puzzle that I’m trying to catch glimpses of as it assembles.

Thrivability. How are you relating to the world through a thrivable society lens?

Thrivability feels to me like the juicy forward hope of learning together as a complex living adaptive organism. I love to use this lens as a sort of compass and reminder that within each of our ‘individual’and group challenges lies a huge potential for co-evolving something useful and beneficial for our planetary society. When life has me feeling both both shaken and stirred I try to trust in being part of a learning network that is strengthened by vast unseen and naturally recalibrating adjustments.

What story do you have about thrivability and What do you have/want/dream of contributing to a thrivable society?

In 1999 I had a very vivid and inspiring dream about specific global collaborative gaming and microphilanthropy giving spaces that humanity can and I feel will evolve.
It is through following some arrows in that dream that I first met Jean Russell who was so beautifully exploring and expressing some of the deepest key questions and concepts of Thrivability and how I subsequently met you and more of the inspiring crew!

Symbiosis Studies

I dream of collaborating and cocreating with others and contributing whatever it is I am able to help manifest these potent giving spaces and tools in a way that may most positively benefit all beings.
I love the concept of any and all of us Becoming ‘Mother Trees’ – able to regularly pulse empowering nutrients and energy to countless initiatives and organizations that are doing the needed work locally and globally for a more compassionate, healthful and thrivable society. The tools and spaces should make that easier…. and the collective drive is still slowly building.

What is fostering aliveness in you?

I need and regularly take what I call WonderWalks which are quiet wanderings in nature or even just down to the post office or looking at a small patch of earth in the backyard or anywhere. The main medicine is in Noticing something previously underseen and being curious about any of the things and beings along my way. These are my ‘Everyday Wonders’. These days I am drawn strongly to details of plants, trees, wildflowers. I’m Trying to get a feel of what minute and cyclical changes are happening and unfolding all around me…and I also love Falling into the absolute dazzle and mystery of light and all its informative interactions.

This is how I find I can recharge my battery and reconnect with Aliveness when I feel I’m succumbing to tunnel-vision , self-doubt or anxieties of any kind. My art studio practice is also immensely helpful as the hammering of each nail in one of my ‘prayerweave touchmaps’ allows me to reconnect in a tactile, sonic and meditative way to an energetic field that I visualize as a benevolent global support network.

What question could I ask that would be the most interesting to answer right now?

Hmmm… perhaps since I am still trying to sense next steps forward it could be something like: How can I or we all collaborate on the manifestation of those GivingSpaces from the dreamvision? Although I don’t have a set ‘general answer’ to this I would then invite you and anyone interested to reach out so that together we may co-create what is needed to make a very timely gift to ourselves as an evolving species.

Imagine we are living in a world in which the whales were in charge, what would your life be like? What would you be/do/have?

Oh my- I wish I knew! A deep hope I have for AI and machine learning is that it might eventually help us to translate and comprehend more of the nuances and meaning in the languages and lives of our planetary cohabitants. There is so much we might be able to discuss, learn and share with other species and kingdoms for our shared planet and future. Please check out the wonderful Invisibilia podcast episode ‘Two Heartbeats Per Minute’ for more on this!- a favorite!